Your Mom Wants You to Eat at Jimmy John's!

Today is one of those days I'm working over the lunch hour. My other three full-time staff people all decided to take today off. So I thought it would be good to stick around. Well, as I have been doing for the past few weeks, I've been trying to do a little investigation into what I eat, preferably BEFORE I eat it. So I hoped on everyone's favorite search engine, Google, and found exactly what I was looking for: Jimmy John's Nutrition
Hoooooooly Fucking Moses!
I've always assumed sandwiches were generally healthy, so I haven't ever given a second thought to Jimmy John's. That is, until today. First, let me say kudos and thank you to Jimmy John's. They have one of the most open, honest, complete, easy to use, and useful nutrition interface I've yet to see.But now the bad news... The " #1 Pepe", Jimmy John's most popular sandwich, has 683 calories, 37 grams of fat, and 1 gram of fiber. That's 17 Points!!! That is BAD, like "Oh My God" bad, like worse than McDonald's Big Mac bad! The Big Mac "only" has 540 calories, 29g fat, 3g fiber (13 points).
The Culprit
Not believing my eyes, and thanks to JJ's awesome interface, I was quickly able to diagnose the primary cause of the excessive calories and fat... Hellmann's Mayonnaise. It accounts for 228 cal, 25g fat, and no fiber. The Ham and Provolone contribute the remainder of the fat, but only a third of the problem. And the French Bread contributes a lot of the calories through the carbohydrates.The Solution

In retrospect, I should have forgone the cheese and added Italian Vinaigrette sauce. That would have added a nice zing to the sandwich and yielded only 7 points. Oh well, next time.
That's kind of shocking. I always assumed that their sandwiches, if not healthy, were at least not killing me! =( so sad.
also, why is there only a delete button for comments? I want an edit button!
Their sandwiches taste bad to boot. I'm never eating there again.
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